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September 2024. Loeriesfontein-inwoner en gemeenskapsleier, Daryl Ryck, het ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie, Elderly Development Services, gestig waardeur hy beplan om ‘n beduidende en blywende impak te maak. Die maatskappy is ‘n jaar gelede gestig en het onlangs maaltye aan individue verskaf en noodsaaklike ondersteuning aan behoeftiges gebied. “As vandag se jeug
September 2024. Loeriesfontein resident and community leader, Daryl Ryck, has established a non-profit organisation, Elderly Development Services, through which he plans to make a significant and lasting impact. The company was founded a year ago, and recently provided meals to individuals as well as offering essential support to those in
Khobab Wind Farm will award bursaries to deserving students for the 2025 academic year. Individuals who meet the criteria below and reside within a 50km radius of the Khobab Wind Farm are encouraged to apply. 2024 matric learners wanting to study further at a South African public and suitably registered
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter: Bemagtiging van Plaaslike Entrepreneurs deur KMMO-program Nuwe Loeriesfontein Thusong Dienssentrum van stapel gestuur Career Guidance for Loeriesfontein High School Learners Infrastruktuuropgraderings verbeter vroeë kinderonderwys Click HERE to read
Augustus 2024. Die ‘Knowing Me, Knowing My Future’-program by Hoërskool Loeriesfontein speel ‘n deurslaggewende rol in die voorbereiding van meer as 150 leerders vir toekomstige beroepe, noodsaaklik vir hul langtermyn sukses en maatskaplike impak. Hierdie inisiatief, wat deur Loeriesfontein en Khobab-windkragaanlegte befonds word, ondersteun studente deur belangrike fases van hul
August 2024. The ‘Knowing Me, Knowing My Future’ programme at Loeriesfontein High School plays a pivotal role in preparing over 150 learners for future careers, essential for their long-term success and societal impact. Funded by Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms, this initiative supports students through crucial phases of their educational
Julie 2024. Die kinders, gesinne en personeel van Loerie Vinkie Crèche in Loeriesfontein vier die broodnodige opgradering van hul infrastruktuur, moontlik gemaak deur ‘n plaaslike gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprogram. Hierdie noodsaaklike opknappings, wat ontwerp is om die leeromgewing vir kinders van 3-5 jaar te verbeter, beklemtoon ‘n diepgaande verbintenis tot gemeenskapsgroei en vroeë
July 2024. The children, families, and staff of Loerie Vinkie Crèche in Loeriesfontein are celebrating the much-needed infrastructure upgrades, made possible through a local community development programme. These essential renovations, designed to enhance the learning environment for children aged 3-5, underscore a profound commitment to community growth and early education.
July 2024. The Loeriesfontein community recently celebrated the launch of its new Thusong Service Centre, a crucial step towards improving residents’ access to essential government services. Launched in partnership with the Northern Cape Office of the Premier, and the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), the centre brings critical services
Julie 2024. Die Loeriesfontein-gemeenskap het onlangs die bekendstelling van sy nuwe Thusong-dienssentrum gevier, ‘n deurslaggewende stap in die rigting van die verbetering van inwoners se toegang tot noodsaaklike staatsdienste. Die sentrum, wat in vennootskap met die Noord-Kaapse Kantoor van die Premier en die Regeringskommunikasie- en Inligtingstelsel (GCIS) van stapel gestuur
Mainstream (MAMSA) nooi u namens die windplase hartlik uit na ‘n gemeenskapsvergadering Datum: 20 Junie 2024 Tyd: 18h00 Lokaal: Loeriesfonteingemeenskapsaal Uitnodiging
Khobab- en Loeriesfontein Windplase nooi 15 belangstellendes uit om deel te wees van ’n Groentetuin Loods Projek! Die windplase is toegewyd aan die bevordering van volhoubare ontwikkeling in die Loeriesfontein-area. As deel van hierdie inisiatief, nooi ons belangstellendes uit, om aan te sluit by ‘n 8-dae entrepreneurskapsvaardighede werkswinkel wat ontwerp
June 2024. Since its inception five years ago, a bottom-up community approach based on the philosophy of the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) programme, has supported numerous local entrepreneurs, including Romenda Wessels from Loeriesfontein, the owner of RJ Cleaning Maids. This programme has provided this company and others with assistance
Junie 2024. Sedert sy ontstaan vyf jaar gelede het ‘n onder-na-bo-gemeenskapsbenadering gebaseer op die filosofie van die bategebaseerde gemeenskapsontwikkeling (ABCD)-program, talle plaaslike entrepreneurs ondersteun, insluitend Romenda Wessels van Loeriesfontein, die eienaar van RJ Cleaning Maids. Hierdie program het hierdie maatskappy sovel as ander maatskappye bystand verskaf om uit te brei,
April 2024. Recognising the importance of skills development that facilitates access to employment opportunities, Loeriesfontein community leaders collaborated with the local wind farms to successfully implement a ‘Learners and Drivers’ License Programme’. Designed to empower the youth with vital skills and qualifications, this collaborative effort aims to equip them for
April 2024. Met die erkenning van die belangrikheid van vaardigheidsontwikkeling wat toegang tot werksgeleenthede vergemaklik, het Loeriesfontein-gemeenskapsleiers met die plaaslike windkragaanlegte saamgewerk om ‘n ‘Leerders- en Bestuurderslisensieprogram’ suksesvol te implementeer. Hierdie gesamentlike poging is ontwerp om die jeug met lewensbelangrike vaardighede en kwalifikasies te bemagtig, en poog om hulle toe
Maart 2024. Die windkragaanlegte in Loeriesfontein het saamgespan met plaaslike sportklubs, insluitend netbal en sokker, om gemeenskapsamehorigheid te verbeter. Hierdie samewerking sluit in die borg van sporttoerusting deur ‘n vennootskap met ‘n plaaslike besigheid in swart besit, wat bydra tot die ekonomiese groei van die gebied. “Ons erken die belangrikheid
March 2024. The wind farms in Loeriesfontein have teamed up with local sports clubs, including netball and soccer, to enhance community cohesiveness. This collaboration includes sponsoring sports gear through a partnership with a local black-owned business, contributing to the economic growth of the area. “We recognise the importance of sports
Februarie 2024. In die Noord-Kaap se Loeriesfontein illustreer die reise van Maleting Hugo en Anna Pieters die sinergie tussen opvoedkundige geleenthede en gemeenskapsondersteuning. Hul verhale, onderlê deur die Loeriesfontein- en Khobab-windkragaanlegte se beursprogram, dien as ‘n inspirasie vir plaaslike jeug, wat wys hoe vasberadenheid, tesame met die regte hulpbronne, tot
February 2024. In the Northern Cape’s Loeriesfontein, the journeys of Maleting Hugo and Anna Pieters illustrate the synergy between educational opportunities and community support. Their stories, underpinned by the Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms’ Bursary Programme, serve as an inspiration to local youth, showcasing how determination, coupled with the right
Februarie 2024. ‘n Gesondheidsbewusmakingsgeleentheid wat gefokus het op die noodsaaklike belangrikheid om swangerskapverwante risiko’s te verstaan, het laat verlede jaar by die Loeriesfontein-Hub plaasgevind. Hierdie inisiatief, ‘n samewerking tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Raad vir Alkoholisme en Dwelmafhanklikheid (SANCA), die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD), en die Departement van Gesondheid, het ten doel
February 2024. A health awareness event focused on the vital importance of understanding pregnancy-related risks took place at the Loeriesfontein Hub late last year. This initiative, a collaboration between the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA), the South African Police Service (SAPS), and the Department of
November 2023. Tablette is geskenk aan die hoogste presterende graad 7-leerders by Laerskool Loeriesfontein, met die doel om akademiese uitnemendheid te motiveer. Die tablette, moontlik gemaak deur die ondersteuning van die Loeriesfontein- en Khobab-windkragaanlegte, is tydens die skool se gradeplegtigheid op 9 November 2023 aan die verdienstelike leerders oorhandig. Die
November 2023. Tablets were donated to the highest-achieving grade 7 learners at Loeriesfontein Primary School, aiming to motivate academic excellence. The tablets, made possible through the support of the Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms, were handed-over to the deserving learners during the school’s graduation ceremony on 9 November 2023. The
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter: ‘Uitbreiding Van Gemeenskapsdienste: Loeriesfontein-Windkragaanlegte In Vennootskap Met Plaaslike Regering Empowering Grade 7 Students: A Journey of Discovery in Cape Town Bemagtig vroue deur rekenaargeletterdheidopleiding Suksesvolle Ondersteunings- Program Brei Uit Na Laerskool Loodsgemeenskapsgimnasium Gelaanseer Empowering Loeriesfontein’s Community’s Skills and Passions Hub Help Gemeenskapslede
October 2023. Working with local stakeholders, the Hantam Municipality and the Northern Cape Office of the Premier, the wind farms have commenced the process of supporting Loeriesfontein residents to receive improved access to government services. The Loeriesfontein and Khobab wind farms have agreed, in principle, with the Northern Cape Office
Oktober 2023. In samewerking met plaaslike belanghebbendes, die Hantam-munisipaliteit en die Noord-Kaapse Kantoor van die Premier, het die windkragaanlegte die proses begin om Loeriesfontein-inwoners te ondersteun om verbeterde toegang tot staatsdienste te kry. Die Loeriesfontein- en Khobab-windkragaanlegte het in beginsel met die Noord-Kaapse Kantoor van die Premier ooreengekom om ‘n
Die Loeriesfontein Hernubare Elektrisiteit Gemeenskap Trust en die Khobab Hernubare Elektrisiteit Gemeenskap Trust, besit elkeen 5% aandele in die onderskeie maatskappye. Die fasiliteite van die maatskappye is geleë in die Hantam Munisipale Aria, 60 km noord vanaf Loeriesfontein in die Noord Kaap. Die Loeriesfontein en Khobab Trusts was gesHg vir
Die projek maatskappy nooi die plaaslike gemeenskapsbesighede/lede uit om die volgende dienste te lewer en by die Hub en in die dorp te installeer: In ooreenstemming met veiligheidstandaarde vit ‘n openbare ruimte, moet veiligheidstekens opgerig word om veiligheids nakoming deur gebruikers van die fasiliteite te verseker, asook om personeel en
Community services are being offered by Innovo Mobile Healthcare at the local Hub. We would like to invite everyone to make use of the following services. Cancer screening: Innovo will render this service on Tuesday (10 October 2023) and Wednesday (11 October 2023). Teeth: The pulling of teeth will also
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter Bemagtig Vroue Deur Rekenaargeletterdheidopleiding Ons Bou ‘N Dwelmvrye Gemeeskaap Program Bemagtig Plaaslike Entrepreneur New Sports Gear Food Parcels for Elderly Residents Click here to read it.
Community services are being offered by Innovo Mobile Healthcare from 25 September to 11 October 2023. Community services that will be provided at the Hub: • Oral examination with teeth cleaning and extractions • Eye exams with free glasses for some community members • Assessment of Body Mass Index (BMI)
Khobab Wind Farm will award bursaries to deserving students for the 2024 academic year. Individuals who meet the criteria below and reside within a 50km radius of the Khobab Wind Farm are encouraged to apply. 2023 matric learners wanting to study further at a South African public and suitably registered
Khobab wind plaas sal nuwe beurse in 2024 aan verdienstelike. Student beskikbaar stel. Individue wat aan die onderstaande kriteria. Voldoen en in loeriesfontein woon, word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen. Aansoeke word aangemoedig van individue wat verder wil studeer an Suid-Afrikaanse publieke en toepaslik geregistreerde tersiêre instellings. Persone wat hul
Gemeenskapsdienste word vanaf 25 September tot 11 Oktober 2023 aangebied deur Innovo Mobile Healthcare. Gemeenskapsdienste wat by die Hub gelewer word: Mondelingse ondersoek met skoonmaak van tande enekstraksies Oog ondersoeke met gratis bril vir sommige gemeenskapslede Assessering van liggaamsmassa-indeks (LMI) Bloedglukosetoetsing Bloeddruktoetsing Totale cholesteroltoetsing Vrywillige MIV-berading en -toetsing Borskankerondersoek deur
Augustus 2023. Windpomp Kwekery, ‘n landbou-onderneming wat in Loeriesfontein gesetel is, het onlangs voordeel getrek uit ‘n innoverende inkubatorprogram. Hierdie inisiatief, wat deur Loeriesfontein en Khobab-windkragaanlegte befonds word, het ten doel om plaaslike entrepreneurs op die gebied van gewasse en voedselsekuriteit te bemagtig, deur hulle van onskatbare mentorskap, opleiding en
August 2023. Windpomp Kwekery, an agricultural enterprise based in Loeriesfontein, recently benefited from an innovative incubator programme. This initiative, funded by Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms aims to empower local entrepreneurs in the field of crops and food security, providing them with invaluable mentorship, training, and support. Mr Nico Lucas,
Augustus 2023. In reaksie op die behoeftes van die bejaarde inwoners in Loeriesfontein, is 500 kospakkies afgelewer, met ‘n verdere 1000 pakkies wat oor die volgende vier maande geskenk word, as deel van ‘n projek wat daarop gemik is om noodsaaklike bystand aan die bejaarde bevolking binne hierdie klein dorpie
August 2023. In response to the needs of the elderly residents in Loeriesfontein, 500 food parcels have been delivered, with a further 1000 parcels being donated over the next four months, as part of a project aimed at providing essential assistance. Initiated by community leaders, Kevin Theys and Johanna Koose,
Ons nooi alle matrikulante (oud en nuwe) vir tersiere opleiding aansoeke. Indien jy belangstel, gryp hierdie geleentheid aan. Hulp sal aangebied word. Nodige gesertifiseerde dokumente: Afskrif van ID Gr9 uitslae Matriek uitslae Finale Gr11 uitslae Junie 2023 uitslae Datum: 14 Aug – 14 Sept 2023 Tyd: 09:00 – 16:00 Lokaal:
Julie 2023. ‘n Opleidingskursus het 25 vroue van Loeriesfontein tussen die ouderdomme van 20 en 69 byeengebring om hul rekenaargeletterdheidsvaardighede te ontwikkel. Befonds deur Loeriesfontein en Khobab-windkragaanlegte in samewerking met JLK Business Consulting, is hierdie kursus ontwerp om vroue te bemagtig en ‘n gevoel van vertroue in rekenaargeletterdheid te wek,
July 2023. A training course has brought together 25 women from Loeriesfontein between the ages of 20 and 69, to develop their computer literacy skills. Funded by Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms in collaboration with JLK Business Consulting, this course is designed to empower women and instil a sense of
Julie 2023. ’n Maatskaplike ondersteuningsveldtog, wat daarop gemik is om individue binne die Loeriesfontein-gemeenskap by te staan wat met dwelmmisbruik sukkel, is onlangs van stapel gestuur. Die veldtog poog om gemeenskapslede te bevorder en aan te moedig om positiewe, dwelmvrye lewens te lei sodat hulle produktiewe en verantwoordelike lede van
July 2023. A social support campaign, aimed at assisting individuals within the Loeriesfontein community struggling with substance abuse, was launched recently. The campaign endeavours to promote and encourage community members to lead positive, drug-free lives so they can become productive and responsible members of society. Funded by the Loeriesfontein and
Junie 2023. In ‘n poging om gesondheid en welstand binne die Loeriesfontein-gemeenskap te bevorder, is ‘n gemeenskapsgimnasium by die Loeriesfontein-Hub geloods. Die loodsprojek, wat goed deur die gemeenskap ontvang is, het ‘n paar klein binne- en buite-opgraderings in ‘n deel van die Hub onderneem. Hierdie opgraderings is deur plaaslike kontrakteurs
June 2023. In a bid to promote health and wellness within the Loeriesfontein community, a community gymnasium has been piloted at the Loeriesfontein Hub. The pilot project, which has been well received by the community, saw some minor interior and exterior upgrades being undertaken in a section of the hub.
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter Bursary beneficiaries become teachers in Loeries! Plaaslike Hub help gemeenskapslede met toegang tot regeringsdienste Suksesvolle ondersteuningsprogram brei uit na laerskool Ondersteuning vir waterkrisis Afrikaans 
May 2023. To address the needs of the Loeriesfontein community, the Loeriesfontein Hub opened its doors to SASSA, enabling them to offer assistance to more than 500 community members, within five days. As a result of this assistance, the Hub has become a busy and productive space for the community,
Mei 2023. Om die behoeftes van die Loeriesfontein-gemeenskap aan te spreek, het die Loeriesfontein-Hub sy deure vir SASSA oopgemaak, wat hulle in staat gestel het om binne vyf dae bystand aan meer as 500 gemeenskapslede te bied. As gevolg van hierdie bystand het die Hub ‘n besige en produktiewe ruimte
April 2023. ’n Navorsingsprojek vir maatskaplike ontwikkeling, in die klein Noord-Kaapse dorpie Loeriesfontein, het gehelp om lig te werp op die gemeenskap se heersende geslagsdinamika en belangstellings. Die studie het bevind dat inwoners ‘n sterk belangstelling in praktiese vaardigheidsgebaseerde velde het, wat lei tot die bekendstelling van skoolprogramme wat in
April 2023. A social development research project, in the small Northern Cape’s town of Loeriesfontein, has helped to shed light on the community’s prevailing gender dynamics and interests. The study found that residents have a strong interest in practical skills-based fields, resulting in the introduction of school programmes that are
In a heartening display of community spirit, the local wind farms and the municipality have rallied together to offer relief and financial assistance to the Loeriesfontein local community, who are feeling the effects of a water crisis, caused by heavy rainfall that resulted in damaged water pipes. To aid the
March 2023. Designed to reduce school drop-out rates, a support programme that has been assisting high school learners within Loeriesfontein, has recently been expanded to include additional grades as well as the local primary school. This three-year programme commenced in 2021 and has been successfully providing psychological, social, emotional, and
Maart 2023. Ontwerp om skooluitvalsyfers te verminder, ‘n ondersteuningsprogram wat hoërskoolleerders binne Loeriesfontein bygestaan het, het onlangs uitgebrei om bykomende grade sowel as die plaaslike laerskool in te sluit. Hierdie driejaarprogram het in 2021 begin en bied suksesvol sielkundige, sosiale, emosionele en opvoedkundige ondersteuning aan Graad 12-leerders by Hoërskool Loeriesfontein
Maart 2023. Anna Pieters en Grantham Nel, albei ontvangers van die plaaslike windplaas se beursprogram, het onlangs hul Baccalaureusgraad in Onderwys voltooi. Wat nog meer opwindend is, is dat hulle albei by Laerskool Loeriesfontein aangestel is, wat hul vaardighede en talente binne die plaaslike gemeenskap behou. As voormalige hoofmeisie en
March 2023. Anna Pieters and Grantham Nel, both recipients of the local wind farm’s bursary programme, have recently completed their Bachelor of Education degrees. What’s even more exciting is that they have subsequently both been appointed at Loeriesfontein Primary School, keeping their skills and talents within the local community. As
Februarie 2023. Veertig leerders van Laerskool Loeriesfontein het Kaapstad besoek, as deel van ‘n skoolopvoedkundige toer wat daarop gemik is om die leerders bloot te stel en te help om ‘n alternatiewe perspektief te kry, en terselfdertyd hul kennis uit te brei. Tydens die vyf dae lange toer, wat deur
February 2023. Forty learners from Loeriesfontein Primary School visited Cape Town, as part of a school educational tour aimed at exposing and helping the learners gain an alternate perspective, while simultaneously expanding their knowledge. During the five-day tour, which was funded by the Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms, the grade
 The South Africa Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) in partnership with Loeriesfontein/Khobab Wind Farm, we’re excited to announce that Wind Industry Internship Programme (WIIP) will be running for the second time in 2023. WIIP first launched in 2022 January, where 15 interns were placed and mentored by SAWEA member organisations for
November 2022. Mirko Klassen is een van drie jong leerlinge wat praktiese werkservaring by Loeriesfontein se plaaslike windplase opdoen deur ‘n ingenieursdiensmaatskappy, Obelisk. Dit volg op die suksesvolle voltooiing van die Global Wind Organisation-opleidingsprogram, wat ontwerp is om tekorte aan hernubare energievaardighede onder gemeenskapslede aan te spreek, asook indirek die
November 2022. Mirko Klassen is among three young trainees, who are gaining on-site practical work experience at Loeriesfontein’s local wind farms, through an engineering service company, Obelisk. This is following the successful completion of the Global Wind Organisation training programme, which is designed to address renewable energy skills shortages amongst
October 2022 Mushai Louw from Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms; sat down for an interview on Radio Namakwaland (93.4fm) , on 20 October at 14:15pm, where they discussed Khobab Wind Farm 2023 Scholarship Applications. There was also a chat with Tracy September of the Study Funds and Estee-Lee Nel, a
November 2022. Hoërskool Loeriesfontein-leerders, wat Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie (RTT) as vak neem, is verheug oor die ontvangs van nuwe skootrekenaars, wat ongetwyfeld hul studies ‘n bietjie makliker sal maak. Die toerusting is aan graad 10-leerders geskenk om hul rekenaarvaardighede te verbeter, wat hulle sal bevoordeel wanneer hulle tersiêre onderwys en die arbeidsmag
November 2022. Loeriesfontein High School learners, who take Computer Applications Technology (CAT) as a subject, are thrilled to have received new laptop computers, which will no doubt make their studies a bit easier. The equipment was donated to grade 10 learners to enhance their computer skills, which will benefit them
Ocotber 2022. Leerders in grade 8 tot 12 by Hoërskool Loeriesfontein was opgewonde om ‘n skenking van nuwe sweetpakke en skooltasse, geborg deur Loeriesfontein en Khobab-windkragaanleg, te ontvang. “Ons is trots daarop dat ons leerders van hierdie noodsaaklike goedere kon voorsien en die vreugde op hul gesigte kon sien. Die
October 2022. Learners in grades 8 to 12 at Loeriesfontein High School were excited to receive a donation of new tracksuits and school bags, sponsored by Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms. “We are proud to have been able to provide learners with these essential goods and to see the joy
Oktober 2022. Ter ondersteuning van die opgradering van gemeenskapjeug om te kan werk en deel te neem aan die groeiende windenergiesektor, het Loeriesfontein Windkragaanleg en Khobab Windkragaanleg ‘n gespesialiseerde jeugontwikkeling tegniese opleidingsinisiatief gefinansier. Die program is ontwerp om tekorte aan vaardighede in hernubare energie onder gemeenskapslede aan te spreek, asook
October 2022. In support of upskilling community youth to be able to work and participate in the growing wind energy sector, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have funded a specialised youth development technical training initiative. The programme was designed to address renewable energy skills shortages amongst community members,
September 2022. Loeriesfontein-gemeenskapslede, gesondheidsbeamptes en ander sleutelbelanghebbendegroepe het laat verlede maand by die oorhandiging van ‘n broodnodige pasiënt vervoer voertuig bymekaargekom. Die pasiëntvervoerder sal die plaaslike gesondheidsorgstelsel ’n hupstoot gee, aangesien dit vervoer vir Loeriesfontein-gemeenskapslede sal vergemaklik om toegang tot mediese dienste en sorg te verkry. “Die nuwe voertuig was
September 2022. Loeriesfontein community members, health officials and other key stakeholder groups gathered at the handover of a much-needed patient transport vehicle, late last month. The patient transporter will boost the local healthcare system, as it will facilitate transportation to Loeriesfontein community members to access medical services and care. “The
Khobab wind plaas sal nuwe beurse in 2023 aan verdienstelike. Student beskikbaar stel. Individue wat aan die onderstaande kriteria. Voldoen en in loeriesfontein woon, word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen. Aansoeke word aangemoedig van individue wat verder wil studeer an Suid-Afrikaanse publieke en toepaslik geregistreerde tersiêre instellings. Persone wat hul
Khobab wind farm will award bursaries to deserving students for the 2023 academic year. Individuals who meet the criteria below and reside within a 50km radius of the Khobab Wind Farm are encouraged to apply. 2022 matric learners wanting to study further at a South African public and suitably registered
Loeriesfontein Data Collection Specialists (LDCS) is verlede jaar gestig deur jong vooruitdenkende plaaslike entrepreneurs wat floreer met die ontleding van data om geleenthede vir groei en ontwikkeling te skep, en is ‘n wonderlike voorbeeld van ‘n florerende mikro-entiteit in hierdie klein plattelandse dorpie. Hierdie maatskappy wat 100% in swart besit
September 2022. Founded last year by young forward thinking local entrepreneurs who thrive on analysing data to create opportunities for growth and development, Loeriesfontein Data Collection Specialists (LDCS) is a wonderful example of a thriving micro entity in this small rural town. This 100% black-owned company, is doing remarkably well
August 2022 Mushai Louw from Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farm and Nelius du Preez from PinkDrive sat down for an interview on Radio Namakwaland (93.4fm), on Tuesday, 16 August, to talk about the cancer awareness outreach programme happening in Loeriesfontein, on 5 & 6 September 2022. Health services such as mammograms,
Augustus 2022. Ter erkenning van Kankerbewusmakingsmaand, sal ‘n tweedaagse gesondheidsaksie gefokus op sifting, vroeë opsporing en gesondheidsopvoeding vir Loeriesfontein gemeenskapslede plaasvind, op 5 en 6 September 2022. Gefinansier deur Khobab-windkragaanleg en Loeriesfontein-windkragaanleg, in samewerking met PinkDrive en die Departement van Gesondheid, sal ‘n volledige reeks vroeë opsporing en voorkomende gesondheidsiftingdienste
August 2022. In recognition of Cancer Awareness Month, a two-day health drive focused on screening, early detection, and health education for Loeriesfontein community members will take place, on 5 and 6 September 2022. Funded by Khobab Wind Farm and Loeriesfontein Wind Farm, in collaboration with PinkDrive and the Department of
July 2022. Radio Namakwaland 93.4 FM was in conversation with Anchel Opperman of Loeriesfontein Khobab Windplaas and Joanie Mostert of Sonneblom Service Center, talking about the “Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Programme” and the work that the Sunflower Service Center does in the Loeriesfontein community. The ABCD programme was launched
Die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) het in Oktober en Desember 2021 onafhanklike navorsing met vroue, jeugdiges en sleutel rolspelers in die Loeriesfontein gemeenskap opgeneem. Loeriesfonteiners het ons vertel van lewensverhale en uitdagings wat u in Loeriesfontein ervaar. U het ons ingelig van drome en aksieplanne om die dorp te
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter ‘N nuwe Bus vir Loeriesfontein Primêre Skool Matriekklas van 2021 vier beter uitslae Nuwe wetenskap laboratorium Buerse aan nog studente toegeken Afrikaans   
Junie 2022. ‘n Nuut toegeruste wetenskaplike laboratorium verryk die leer ervaring van Loeriesfontein Primêre Skool leerders in grade 4 tot 7. As deel van die doelwit om STEM onderrig (Wetenskap, Tegnologie, Ingenieurswese en Wiskunde) verder te ondersteun en te ontwikkel, het Loeriesfontein-windkragaanleg fondse voorsien om die laboratorium ervaring asook die
June 2022. A newly equipped science lab has enriched the learning experience at Loeriesfontein Primary School for learners in grades 4 to 7. As part of their goal to further support and improve STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in the Northern Cape, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has provided funding
Junie 2022. Loeriesfontein Primêre Skool was opgewonde vir die ontvangs van ‘n splinter nuwe bus wat laas maand op 4 Mei 2022 oorhandig was. Meer as 400 leerlinge sal baat vind by die toegang tot vervoer, veral diegene wat deelneem aan buitedorpse sport, kulturele en akademiese aktiwiteite. “Voorheen was dit
June 2022. Loeriesfontein Primary School was excited to receive a new school bus, which was handed over last month, 4 May 2022. Over 400 learners will benefit from access to transport, which is providing access to out-of-town sporting, cultural, and academic events. “Prior to receiving this support, most of the
April 2022. Na gesprekke met die provinsiale end distrik Departement van Onderwys en Skool Beheerliggaam, het Loeriesfontein en Khobab-windkragaanleg fondse voorsien vir die regmaak van sleutelaspekte in die infrastruktuur van Loeriesfontein Hoërskool. Die projek het nie net die skool ‘n veiliger en bevorderde plek gemaak om te leer nie, maar
April 2022. Following discussions with the provincial and district Department of Education and the School Governing Body, Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms funded the refurbishment of key aspects of the Loeriesfontein High School infrastructure. This project not only made the school a safer and more conducive place to learn but
April 2022. Drie studente van Loeriesfontein het studiebeurse ontvang wat hulle in staat sal stel om verder te studeer. Hulle vorm deel van ’n groep van altesaam 12 studente van Loeriesfontein wat tans befondsing as deel van die Khobab-windkragaanleg se studiebeursprogram ontvang. Die studiebeursprogram help lede van die gemeenskap en
April 2022. Three students from Loeriesfontein have been awarded scholarships that will help them in furthering their studies. They form part of a group of 12 students in Loeriesfontein already receiving funding as part of the Khobab Wind Farm Bursary Programme, which allows Loeriesfontein community members, but particularly youth to
Maart 2022. Loeriesfontein Hoërskool se matriekslaagsyfer het in 2021 met 36% verbeter danksy ’n psigososiale ondersteuningsprogram wat van stapel gestuur is om graad 12-leerders met die nodige selfkennis en vaardighede toe te rus om hul akademiese prestasie te verbeter. Die Loeriesfontein-windkragaanleg en Khobab-windkragaanleg het hul gewig agter dié psigososiale ondersteuningsprogram,
March 2022. The Loeriesfontein High School Matric Class of 2021 are celebrating a 36% increase in their matric pass rate. Following the negative effects of the pandemic on learners’ emotional and mental well-being, a psychosocial support programme was implemented to equip Grade 12 learners with self-knowledge and skills to improve
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter Gemeenskapsgeshondheid Mobile clinic to schools Sakespilpunt Read the full newsletter here
November 2021. Gesondheidsifting vir honderde leerlinge by skole in Loeriesfontein, sowel as lede van die gemeenskap het oor ’n tydperk van 16 dae in Oktober plaasgevind. Meer as 30% van die dorp se bevolking is gedurende dié tydperk getoets. Die veldtog is deur die windkragaanlegte van Loeriesfontein en Khobab befonds.
November 2021. Health screening for hundreds of Loeriesfontein school learners and community members, amounting to over 30% of the local town’s population, took place over a 16-day period in October, and was funded by the two local wind farms. The visiting private mobile health clinic, equipped with a team comprising
Are you a woman, 18 years or older, who wants to be one of 30 Participants to share your life story with us and take part in follow-up research about gender norms? Read more here: Gender Research Study Is u ‘n vrou, 18 jaar of ouer, wat een van 30
September 2021. Gesondheid is gedurende September in die kollig geplaas met ’n tweedaagse veldtog wat op sifting, vroeë opsporing en gesondheidsopvoeding vir tagtig gemeenskapslede gefokus het. Die veldtog is deur die windkragaanlegte van Loeriesfontein en Khobab befonds en in samewerking met PinkDrive en die departement van gesondheid aangebied. Belinda Farmer,
September 2021 Health took centre stage in Loeriesfontein during September, with a two-day health drive focused on screening, early detection and health education for eighty community members. Funded by Khobab Wind Farm and Loeriesfontein Wind Farm, in collaboration with the PinkDrive and the Department of Health, a full range of
September 2021. The Department of Health will be hosting a Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign on Friday 24 September 2021, coinciding with Heritage Day. The event will be hosted at the Loeriesfontein Community Health Centre, also known as the Loeriesfontein Hospital, from 09:00 in the morning and is being supported by Loeriesfontein
The Department of Health will be hosting a Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign with the following details: • Date: 24 September 2021 “Heritage Day” • Venue: Loeriesfontein Hospital/CHC • Time: 09:00 • Transport will be available at the following pick-up points: Loeriesfontein Sports Field and Loeriesfontein Clinic • Open to all persons
September 2021. Loeriesfontein community members, together with key stakeholders, gathered for an event to mark the opening of the town’s first business hub, which was celebrated with an open day on 13 August 2021. Funded by Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms, the Loeriesfontein Hub supports entrepreneurs, small businesses owners and
Here are the headlines from our latest newsletter Onderneming befonds Gesondsheidprojek Better learning device Read the full newsletter here
July 2021. School learners across South Africa’s green energy map are getting ready to welcome the EnergyDRIVE, a partnership between the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) and the Durban University of Technology (DUT). Considering that high school learners are the leaders and decisions makers of tomorrow, the programme promotes
Augustus 2021. Onderwysers en leerlinge van Loeriesfontein het onlangs ’n wiskunde versnellingsprogram bygewoon om hulle met die nodige wiskundige vaardighede en metodes toe te rus om dié bul by die horings te takel en die vak beter te kan verstaan. Altesaam sewe wiskunde onderwysers en 140 leerlinge (Graad 8 tot
August 2021. Teachers and learners in Loeriesfontein recently attended a maths acceleration programme and were equipped with resources and improved methodology to tackle and demystify mathematics. The seven maths teachers and 140 Grade 8 to Grade 12 learners from Loeriesfontein High School, attended the two-day workshop in May, aimed at
July 2021. A youth-owned agri-business in Loeriesfontein is one of thirteen micro businesses and social entities that has received funding to support their goals and build sustainable entities that will likewise benefit their surrounding community. Windpomp Kwekery, owned and operated by Nico Lucas, is known in this small Northern Cape
June 2021. midst the third COVID-19 wave, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have extended their support to help the community of Loeriesfontein. Both community schools have been supplied with the required sanitisers and thermometers, as a first line of defence and to support residents of Loeriesfontein to develop
May 2021. A two-day focused health event, which took place in early May, put the spotlight on men’s health issues. This community health project took place in Loeriesfontein, helping to screen and treat one hundred male community members. This health event, funded by Loeriesfontein Wind Farm, is the first time
Mei 2021. Die kollig is in Mei op gesondheidskwessies wat mans raak geplaas. Honderd mans van die gemeenskap van Loeriesfontein het gedurende die tweedaagse gesondheidsveldtog siftingstoetse ondergaan en behandeling ontvang. Die gesondheidsveldtog is deur die Loeriesfontein-windkragaanleg befonds. Dit is die eerste keer wat daar spesifiek op mans se gesondheid gefokus
Here are the headlines: Ondernemings befonds; Gesondheidsprojek; Pedestrian bridge opens. Read more here
March 2021. Following a series of community engagements aimed at harnessing the community of Loeriesfontein’s potential to drive transformation, a cohort of thirteen micro businesses and social entities have received funding to support their goals as presented in their funding applications. One of the beneficiaries, Hantam Chicks, has plans to
Maart 2021. Altesaam dertien mirko-ondernemings en sosiale entiteite ontvang befondsing sodat hulle hul doelwitte, soos uiteengesit in hul befondsingsaansoeke, kan bereik. Die besluit om by die befondsing van hierdie mikro-ondernemings betrokke te raak volg nadat ons met die gemeenskap in gesprek getree het. Een van die mikro-ondernemings wat befondsing ontvang,
February 2021. A community health project, born from a collaboration, took place in Loeriesfontein successfully helping hundreds of community members with their dental and ophthalmology needs. The project, which ran at the end of last year, also aimed to promote healthy living in the community and provided COVID-19 awareness. “This
Februarie 2021. ’n Geslaagde gemeenskapsgesondheidsprojek in Loeriesfontein, wat uit ’n samewerkingsooreenkoms gebore is, help honderde gemeenskapslede met hulle tand- en oogheelkundebehoeftes. Die doel van die projek is om ’n gesonde leefstyl in die gemeenskap te bevorder en ’n bewustheid van COVID-19 te kweek. “Hierdie projek, wat ons hoop om te
Here are the headlines COVID toerusting; New Maths teacher; Studiebeurse in Loeries; Read more here
November 2020. Eddie Sampson has been welcomed as the new Maths and Science teacher at Loeriesfontein High School, an appointment that the school and community hopes will help to not only improve academic results in these subjects, but also to increase the number of learners taking pure maths in Grade
November 2020. Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have extended their COVID health programme, by providing additional support to a number of health facilities within the Hantam Municipal Area, these include Loeriesfontein Clinic; Loeriesfontein (“Hospital”) CHC; Abraham Esau Hospital (Calvinia); Namakwa Disaster Management Committee. In addition to extensive PPE
November 2020. Die windkragaanlegte van Loeriesfontein en Khobab het hul gesondheidsprogram uitgebrei en bied nou ook bykomende ondersteuning aan ’n paar gesondheidsfasiliteite in die Hantam-munisipaliteit. Dit sluit die Loeriesfontein-kliniek, Loeriesfontein-hospitaal (Loeriesfontein CHC), Abraham Esau-hospitaal in Calvinia en die Namakwa-rampbestuurskomitee in. Buiten die persoonlike beskermende toerusting wat reeds deur die windkragaanlegte
Read our Newsletter here Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farm Newsletter_November 2020
October 2020. A bursary application and registration drive has kicked off in Loeriesfontein, to help Grade 12 learners and community members over the next couple of weeks. Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm’s 2021 bursary applications are now open. To help learners and community members interested in pursuing further
October 2020. The Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms have sourced the services of Angels Resource Centre to assist learners and the general community with the applications for further studies and bursaries. The details are as follows: Date: 19-30 October 2020 Time: 08:30 – 17:00 Location: Loeriesfontein Sports Field Loeriesfontein Bursary
September 2020. Following regular engagement and consultation with the Namakwa district Department of Education, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm are funding computer-tablets, wi-fi, data and dual memory sticks for the town’s primary and high school, as part of their COVID-19 community support. The final year of high school
September 2020. Die windkragaanlegte van Loeriesfontein en Khobab het na konsultasie en beraadslaging met die Namakwa-distrik se onderwysdepartement besluit om befondsing beskikbaar te stel sodat rekenaartablette, wi-fi, data en geheuestokkies vir die dorp se laerskool en hoërskool aangeskaf kan word. Dit is deel van ons COVID-19-gemeenskapsondersteuningsprojek. Die finale jaar van
September 2020. ’n Twee dag lange inligtingsveldtog oor gesondheidsorg vir vroue is verlede week in Loeriesfontein aangebied en deur ongeveer 80 inwoners bygewoon. Dit het gehandel oor toetsing en vroeë opsporing. Die inligtingsessies het die ideale geleentheid gebied om vroue oor belangrike gesondheidskwessies aan te spreek en was ‘n goeie
September 2020. A two-day women’s health drive, held in Loeriesfontein last week, focused on screening and early detection health education for eighty community members. The event was an ideal opportunity to educate women on key health issues and served as a good example of how the private sector can support
Augustus 2020. Opleiding vir twee plaaslike konstruksiemaatskappye en elektrisiëns word deur die windkragaanlegte van Khobab en Loeriesfontein se ontwikkelingsprogram befonds. Dit sal help om kapasiteit te bou en produktiwiteit te verbeter. Die klein-, medium- en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO’s), is besig om ’n voormalige motorhuis in ‘n sakesentrum vir Loeriesfontein te omskep.
August 2020. Training for two local construction and electrical companies is being funded by the Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm’s development programme, to help build capacity and increase productivity. The SMME’s, which are upgrading and converting the previous local motor garage into a Business Centre in Loeriesfontein, requested
June 2020 Boesmanland Green Enterprise is a 100% local youth-owned business in Loeriesfontein and one of three local small businesses that are being supported to provide masks for COVID, whilst offering local employment. With some people having lost their jobs and income during the lockdown, Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farm
Junie 2020 Boesmanland Green Enterprise is een van drie plaaslike ondernemings in Loeriesfontein wat nou COVID-maskers vervaardig terwyl hulle ter selfde tyd werk aan die plaaslike gemeenskap verskaf. Die onderneming word 100% deur die plaaslike jeug besit. Omdat talle mense hul werk en inkomste gedurende die staat van inperking verloor
Our teams and service providers are preparing to resume projects on 1 June, following the Government Regulated ‘Return to Work’ Health and Safety protocols, which can be accessed here:  The health and safety of the community is important to the companies. Should you have any queries, you can get
South African COVID-19 Resource Portal:
May 2020 As the Northern Cape prepares itself for the spread of COVID-19, it is becoming increasingly apparent that communities need the collective efforts of public and private institutions to prevent and limit the impact of the pandemic. Working to support the Namakwa District Office of the Northern Cape: Department
May 2020 Loeriesfontein SMMEs are invited to apply to manufacture non-medical masks for the community. More details and criteria to apply can be found here: Loeriesfontein SMME’s word uitgenooi om aansoek te doen om nie-mediese maskers vir die gemeenskap te vervaardig. Meer besonderhede en kriteria om van toepassing te maak,
Read our Newsletter here: Newsletter_April 2020
April 2020 An award winning maths programme that is supporting over 150 000 learners across South Africa, has been implemented at Loeriesfontein Primary School. The Maths Curriculum Online (MCO) programme was implemented across Grade 4 to Grade 7 during the first term and will continue when the school resumes, following
25 March 2020: Community Office Closure – Covid-19 Our offices have been closed, in compliance with South Africa’s national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act, implemented 15 March 2020. For any enquiries, email or
January 2020 Like many communities in South Africa, sport takes centre stage in Loeriesfontein, acting as a cohesive force that lies at the heart and soul of the community. With this in mind Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms have funded the renovations and upgrade of the Loeriesfontein municipal sports &
Januarie 2020 Soos wat die geval is in ander gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika, steel sport ook die kollig in Loeriesfontein. Dit bring mense nader aan mekaar en is verweef met die siel van die gemeenskap. Dit is met hierdie wete wat die windkragaanlegte van Loeriesfontein en Khobab die opknapping en opgradering
December 2019 As South Africa embarked on the observance of World Aids Day on 1 December, Loeriesfontein’s community safe park announced that its programme will align with the 2019 theme of World Aids Day, “Communities make a difference”, taking on the call for communities to unite towards the goal of
November 2019 With the help of e-technology, Loeriesfontein schools are embracing 21st century e-learning. Chalk boards are making way for electronic Smart Boards, bringing improved skills to teachers and enhancing the educational environments for improved teaching and learning. The Smart Boards have been found to be particularly helpful for teaching
November 2019 Met behulp van e-tegnologie gryp skole in Loeriesfontein nou die 21ste eeu aan. Ou swartborde maak plek vir elektroniese slimborde wat help om die opvoedkundige omgewing te verbeter en onderwys tot voordeel strek. Die slimborde help veral met wiskundeklasse vir leerlinge vanaf gr.4 tot gr.7 by die plaaslike
October 2019 Listen to Marita Ryck-Kammies, Isibindi Project Manager on Radio Namakwaland with Brian Owies by clicking on the links below:
September 2019 LOERIESFONTEIN has many heroes that are making a difference in this community. Are you a Change-Maker? Do you have a gift or specific skills that you can share with your community? Or are you passionate to be actively involved in building your community? Draw on each other’s strengths
Loeriesfontein Renewable Energy Community Trust and Khobab Renewable Energy Community Trust request trustee nominations. Loeriesfontein Trust is a 5% shareholder in Loeriesfontein Wind Farm, and Khobab Renewable Energy Community Trust is a 5% shareholder in Khobab Wind Farm. These Trusts have been set up to carry out public benefit activities
Augustus 2019 ’n Veldtog wat op die gesondheid van vroue gefokus het is laasweek ter viering van Vrouemaand in Loeriesfontein gehou. Die klem was op vroeë opsporing van kanker. “Anders as hul eweknieë in stede moet vroue van die platteland dikwels ver reis om by die naaste kliniek of hospitaal
August 2019 A women’s focused health drive, commemorating Women’s Month, was held in Loeriesfontein last week, with a keen focus on screening and early detection which sometimes is the difference between life and death. “Unlike their urban counterparts, women in rural and peri-urban areas sometimes have to travel long distances
July 2019 ’n Groep gr. 9-leerlinge van Hoërskool Loeriesfontein het onlangs aan ’n loopbaanontwikkelingsprogram deelgeneem om hulle te help om die regte vakkeuses vir hul seniorfase van Hoërskool te maak, op grond van hul persoonlike belangstellings en sterkpunte. Die program wat deur kundiges ontwerp is om leerlinge se unieke persoonlikhede,
July 2019 Grade 9 learners at Loeriesfontein High School recently participated in a unique Career Development Programme, providing learners with information and tools to make improved subject choices linked to personal interests and strengths, in the senior phase of high school. The expertly designed programme assesses individual personalities, preferences and
July 2019 Whilst the wide spread introduction of an alien plant, the Prosopis tree, has wreaked chaos on our country’s native plants and broader ecosystem, it however provides benefits such as animal fodder, shade and is a source of business for two Loeriesfontein families who have set up small local
Read our First quarter newsletter: Loeries-Newsletter-May-2019
June 2019 The Isibindi Safe Park opened its doors to the community of Loeriesfontein, late 2018 and has already carved a place in the hearts of the wider community where it plays a crucial role. This month the spotlight is turned to throw light on National Child Protection Week. The
May 2019 In the lead up to National Child Projection Week, 28 to 4 June, a three day children and youth awareness project on domestic violence, was recently held by the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA), in Loeriesfontein. The sessions focused on helping children affected
March 2019. Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have announced that they will fund the construction of a bridge to provide a safe link over a dried up river that has divided the communities of Loeriesfontein for many years. “The dried up river bed runs through the town, leaving
March 2019. Home-based care for elderly community members coupled together with local employment opportunities, are two direct benefits of the Loeriesfontein Work and Grow Primary Cooperative, a social enterprise that launched at the end of last year. “Providing care for the elderly, is something that holds communities together and can’t
December 2018 Christmas arrived early in Loeriesfontein this year! Marking Universal Children’s Day, and one year of operations, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm celebrated with over 400 children from two ECD centres (Loerievinkie and Skilpaaitjielaan Dagsorg) and Loeriesfontein Primary School. “These events celebrate the importance of promoting and
Desember 2018 Kersfees het vanjaar vroeg gekom in Loeriesfontein! Die Loeriesfontein-windkragaanleg het gelyktydig Kerspartytjie gehou, sowel as sy eerste bestaansjaar en Universele Kinderdag gevier met ’n kinderpartytjie vir meer as 400 kinders van twee vroeë kinderontwikkelingsentrums (Loerievinkie Creché en Skilpaaitjielaan Dagsorgsentrum) en Laerskool Loeriesfontein. “Universele Kinderdag het ten doel om
Desember 2018 Kersfees het vanjaar vroeg gekom in Loeriesfontein! Die Loeriesfontein-windkragaanleg het gelyktydig Kerspartytjie gehou, sowel as sy eerste bestaansjaar en Universele Kinderdag gevier met ’n kinderpartytjie vir meer as 400 kinders van twee vroeë kinderontwikkelingsentrums (Loerievinkie Creché en Skilpaaitjielaan Dagsorgsentrum) en Laerskool Loeriesfontein. “Universele Kinderdag het ten doel om
December 2018 Christmas arrived early in Loeriesfontein this year! Marking Universal Children’s Day, and one year of operations, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm celebrated with over 400 children from two ECD centres (Loerievinkie and Skilpaaitjielaan Dagsorg) and Loeriesfontein Primary School. “These events celebrate the importance of promoting and
November 2018 Loeriesfontein’s first community safe park has officially opened, in time to provide a safe and caring environment for children and youth who are especially at risk and vulnerable over the December and January period. Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm spearheaded the Isibindi Safe Park project, funding
November 2018 Construction of a community Safe Park in Loeriesfontein has commenced and is on track to launch later this year. This community programme will create a safe and caring environment for the community’s children and youth who are most at risk. The Isibindi Safe Park infrastructure houses an office,
October 2018 Responding to a call from members of the local Loeriesfontein community, the two Loeriesfontein wind farms, have launched a victim support facility. This much needed facility will provide a safe and secure environment for post-incident counselling and care to community members who have been victims of violence and
August 2018. A multi-faceted analytics programme is being implemented to help address mathematics at Loeriesfontein High School, which has historically experienced a major decrease in learners taking mathematics at a senior level, with only one student registered to write maths in the 2018 matric class. Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms
Augustus 2018. ’n Analitiese program met verskeie fasette word gebruik om leerlinge van  Hoërskool Loeriesfontein te help om wiskunde baas te raak. Die skool sukkel al vir lank met ’n afname in die getal leerlinge wat wiskunde tot op seniorvlak neem. Slegs een van die matriekleerlinge van 2018 neem wiskunde
August 2018 Die spesiaal ontwerpte EnergyDRIVE-vragmotor het die Noord-Kaap gedurende die laaste gedeelte van sy drie week lange opvoedkundige bewusmakingstoer deur Suid-Afrika bereik. Die vragmotor het reeds by honderde leerlinge in gemeenskappe by windplase regoor die land aangedoen om mense meer oor hernubare energie en klimaatsverandering te leer. Die Khobab-windkragaanleg,
A unique Career Day offered at Loeriesfontein High School, provided learners with information and tools, expertly designed to help assess individual personalities, preferences and talents, as well as the skill needed for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century economy. “With tertiary drop-out rates at almost 40% in South
Over 100 Northern Cape sheep farmers, who have been adversely affected by the ongoing regional drought, have been thrown a life-line, by the two local wind farms. Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm responded to a formal request for drought relief support from both commercial and emerging farmers, who
The two Loeriesfontein wind farms have extended their school funding programme in an effort to further support and improve STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in the Northern Cape. These wind farms already fund a Foundation Teacher Support Programme that includes a dedicated Grade 7 Mathematics and Science teacher
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have announced the commencement of their 20-year commercial operations, a milestone they have achieved on schedule, on budget and without a single lost-time incident. With a generation capacity of 140 megawatts each, these two neighbouring wind farms combined make up the largest single
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm will be operating at full capacity and their 20-year life span will commence on 8 December 2017. To read the full Newsletter click here: KL_Wind_Farms_ Newsletter_2017
Loeriesfontein’s two sister wind farms, Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm, have commenced with Grid Code testing as they head into the last phase of construction, before they reach Commercial Operations Date in less than two months from now. Before a wind farm can be connected to the country’s
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm, in the Northern Cape, have announced that the wind farms are now connected to the Eskom grid, via Eskom’s Helios Substation and commissioning of wind turbines have commenced. “We energised the wind farm substations with Eskom Transmission’s Helios substation on 28 September, marking
Khobab Wind Farm and Loeriesfontein Wind Farm have announced the successful completion of the transportation of all their turbine components.  The final load from the Port of Ngqura left to site on 23  August arriving at Khobab Wind Farm 25 August 2017, marking the conclusion of over 1 000 abnormal
Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms are collaborating with the University of Stellenbosch’s Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies to host a capacity building programme for Grade 7 to 12 teachers to provide professional development and learning materials.  It is envisioned that through this partnership, educators will be skilled and
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm, in the Northern Cape, has been making use of a mobile transformer to allow for early commissioning of turbines, prior to the energisation of the new extensions at Eskom’s Helios Substation, which is the permanent grid connection access point. The mobile transformer will provide a temporary supply
Hundreds of learners in Loeriesfontein will be celebrating Global Wind Day 2017 by participating in a creative writing competition as part of a larger school programme called ‘Clean Energy, Brighter Future’. The competition, which offers cash prizes, requires Secondary School learners to submit a 600-word essay on the impact of
Loeriesfontein residents are to benefit from a community based substance abuse prevention programme which aims to provide support for victims and their families. Community members, representatives from the local schools, SAPS, Health Care Services, the Department of Social Development, Municipality, and church based organisations attended the official launch of this
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm are funding a literacy programme aimed at helping local Loeriesfontein primary school learners to improve their reading and spelling levels.  This Learn–Ready Literacy Programme is being implemented in Loeriesfontein Primary School and TNJ van der Walt Primary School Grade 2 to Grade 5
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have launched a teacher support programme aimed at relieving the burden on overcrowded classrooms in Grades 1 and Grade 3. The Wind Farms have committed to funding the salaries of two foundation phase teachers at Loeriesfontein Primary School for a 3 year period.
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has announced the completion of all 61 wind turbine installations as well as having achieved over 1,25 million hours without a single lost-time-incident, on the 1 March 2017.  “This is a hugely significant health and safety construction milestone for one of the country’s largest wind farms, so
Early Childhood Development (ECD) is receiving a boost from Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm.  A number of support initiatives are being implemented at Loerievinkie Creche and Loeriesfontein Primary School’s Grade R classes. Programmes include a teacher enrichment programme that incorporates workshops, mentoring and support; ECD governance training for
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm have extended their support of the local security officer training programme with the addition of a Management Training course. The wind farms together with construction companies Conco and Murray & Roberts, sponsored a 3-day local security training programme in Loeriesfontein during September last
Verbeteringe aan die LOERIEVINKIE CRÈCHE het gehelp om ’n verskil aan die lewens van 44 kinders te maak wat by die crèche versorg word… Loeriesfontein_and_Khobab_Windfarms_Newsletter_October_2016
Residents of Loeriesfontein and the surrounding towns of Niewoudtville and Calvinia will once again be seeing wind turbine component sections en route from the Port of Ngqura, in Port Elizabeth, to Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm. The wind farms commenced with the transportation of the various wind turbine
Khobab Wind Farm and Loeriesfontein Wind Farm, in the Northern Cape, have both received their main transformers.  The transformers made their way to the sister wind farms, via road transportation from Johannesburg, marking another important milestone in their construction process. These 160MvA (Mega Volt Amp) transformers are to be housed
Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms, in association with Soul City, hosted a community health and wellness day to help drive awareness regarding Gender Violence and Substance Abuse in Loeriesfontein. The event took place in the form of a Jamboree – a similar model to the UNICEF’s Child Health Day programmes
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has announced that it has completed the lifting of the first 30 of its 61 wind turbine generators (WTG).  The wind farm’s construction teams are pleased with the progress that is being made, achieving an average of 2.5 WTG liftings per week, often with two simultaneous liftings
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has announced that it has achieved over a million hours without a single lost-time-incident, on the 31 October 2016, which is a health and safety highlight in this renewable energy project’s construction programme. It is one of the country’s largest wind farms, and considering the sheer scale
The Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm hosted a group of 38 secondary school learners, from Loeriesfontein High School, as part of an awareness and career day initiative, on 27 September 2016. The experiential ‘Each One, Teach One’ initiative, aimed at Loeriesfontein High School Grades 11 and 12 learners,
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has announced that it has completed the lifting of the first of its 61 wind turbines. This is a pivotal point in the construction of the wind farm, with the next major construction milestone being the arrival of the main transformer and the energisation of the substation.
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has announced the completion of all 61 of its wind turbine foundations.  The final foundation was completed in line with the construction schedule, on 17th June 2016.  Work on the foundations began in October last year, with employees from the local community working tirelessly through the days,
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm commenced with the transportation of the wind turbine tower components on 20 June 2016. The wind turbine tower sections are being routed from Atlantis, in the Western Cape, to Loeriesfontein, in the Northern Cape. “Over 300 tower sections will commence travel to Loeriesfontein
Residents in Loeriesfontein and the surrounding towns of Niewoudtville and Calvinia will soon see wind turbine component sections en route from the Port of Ngqura, in Port Elizabeth, to Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm.  The wind farms will commence with the transportation of the various wind turbine components
Around two hundred secondary scholars in Loeriesfontein are learning more about the significance of renewable energy through a school programme initiated by Loeriesfontein Wind Farm and Khobab Wind Farm.  The programme, entitled ‘Clean Energy, Brighter Futures’, aims to increase awareness about renewable energy, in particular wind energy; and to strengthen
Loeriesfontein Wind Farm has announced that its wind turbine foundations are utilising one of the world’s lowest quantities of Portland cement in the concrete formulation.  The foundations are designed using an 89% replacement of cement, resulting in, what we believe to be, one of the world’s lowest carbon footprints for
Grade 7 learners from Loeriesfontein Primary School recently visited Loeriesfontein Wind Farm as part of their science curriculum.  “We are pleased to have welcomed the learners and their teachers to our site as it provided us with the ideal opportunity to inspire these young people, some of whom may choose
The Northern Cape is taking the lead in the renewable energy space with the majority of the country’s independent renewable energy power projects being located in the province. Not only is this area remarkable in terms of its abundant supply of sun, but thanks to its wind resource, has the
We are pleased to introduce ourselves to you and to give you some information about the Loeriesfontein Wind Farm so that you are kept informed of what is happening and how you can get involved. To read the full newsletter click on the link:  Khobab_and_Loesriesfontein_Wind_Farms_Newsletter_Aug_2015
Mainstream Renewable Power South Africa donated playground equipment to Loeriesfontein Primary School. The Grade R learners received the new jungle gym, an important part of the learner’s gross motor skills development programme; as a replacement for the rundown playground apparatus. The timber jungle gym cost over R43 000 includes fibreglass
In celebration of Mandela Day, 18th July 2015, Loeriesfontein 2 Wind Farm pledged time and funds to upgrade and refurbish the local school hostel. These facilities house learners attending Loeriesfontein Primary and High School. “We started the refurbishment to coincide with Mandela Day, a day that is ultimately dedicated to
Global wind and solar company, Mainstream Renewable Power, has conducted preliminary analysis of South Africa’s wind and solar resources to understand the impact of introducing larger quantities of renewable energy to the electricity system. The initial results reveal two significant findings; firstly, electricity generated from wind and solar resources closely
Lekela Power, a 60:40 joint venture between Actis and Mainstream Renewable Power, launched in February of this year already has 860 megawatts of wind and solar projects under construction or due to commence construction next year across South Africa, Egypt and Ghana. Lekela Power is one of the biggest international
Global wind and solar company Mainstream Renewable Power today announces the successful completion of financial close for three wind farms in South Africa with a combined capacity of 360 megawatts. In October 2013 a consortium led by Mainstream was awarded the contracts for the three wind farms by the Department