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Turbines installed and connected to the grid


Height of wind turbines

Dec 2017

construction completed

161 300

homes powered
Wind Turbine Facts


August 2023.

Windpomp Kwekery, an agricultural enterprise based in Loeriesfontein, recently benefited from an innovative incubator programme. This initiative, funded by Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms aims to empower local entrepreneurs in the field of crops and food security, providing them with invaluable mentorship, training, and support.

Mr Nico Lucas, the owner of Windpomp Kwekery, was chosen to participate in this programme after being identified as a promising entrepreneur. Through this programme, Nico received both theoretical and hands-on practical support, building on his expertise, to contribute to the success of his business.

“Being part of this programme and receiving help from Angels Resource Centres was an amazing experience, and I found their offerings extremely helpful. I learned a lot from my mentor, who gave me 80% of the support needed, which has significantly contributed to my growth as an entrepreneur,” stated Nico.

Funded by the wind farms, this business incubator programme included: 10 days of mentoring per month; a comprehensive development plan; fully compliant business resources; and continuous monitoring and evaluation of Windpomp Kwekery’s progress towards achieving its development goals.

“As a community, food security is a major concern, and it is our expectation that this programme will help to address this issue. Moreover, this programme empowers community members to invest more in building their livelihoods and strengthening the local economy,” said Vanessa Fredericks, Economic Development Manager for Loeriesfontein and Khobab Wind Farms.